We are the UMass Amherst Student Chapter affiliated with the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) and Polymer Chemistry (POLY) Divisions of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to facilitate their growth scientifically and professionally. This will be achieved through events including professional development clinics, hosting seminar speakers, and company tours/talks. We are excited to work in conjunction with existing groups within the UMass PSE department, including hosting social events for graduate students. These events will enable students, post-docs, faculty, and staff to interact in both academic and social settings, and will be advertised in polymer-oriented departments. Our organization serves as an inter-departmental and inter-university tool for students to make connections with other institutions that conduct polymer and soft material research, and inspire academic and research collaborations. In addition, our chapter collaborates with other ACS PMSE/POLY student chapters to bring additional events to the UMass Amherst community. Thank you for supporting our UMass PMSE/POLY Student Chapter!