It’s getting tougher for students from low-income families to afford college. Imagine what a student could do if we could close the gap between their financial aid package and what they are expected to pay out of pocket? Commonwealth Honors College has been closing the gap for students with financial need since 2016 with the Community Scholarship Program, and we’re asking for your help during UMassGives.
CHC Community Scholarships will:
Since 2016, generous alumni, faculty, friends, parents, students, and staff have supported seven Honors students with their gifts to CHC Community Scholarships. We invite you to join our community this year with a gift during UMassGives on April 29 and 30.
Gifts in any amount will make a difference, as they add up quickly and inspire the generosity of others. Consider making your gift during the Noon – 1p.m. Power Hour on April 29 when the area of campus with the most individual donations will win an additional $2,000.
Join the excitement and make a difference. Be sure to share on social media. Thank you!