Since its inception in 1991, the Film Studies Program has become a dynamic center of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary activity. With active participation from a solid core of faculty members representing fifteen departments from the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and the School of Education, the Program offers both an Undergraduate and a Graduate Certificate in Film Studies. The Program has received national recognition from independent sources such as the Eastman-Kodak Corporation (1993, 1995, and 1999) for "academic excellence in support of the future generation of filmmakers."
This year we are raising money so that we can continue to generously sponsor our students’ activities at UMASS. More ambitiously, we hope to expand our own offering of educational activities for anyone from the general public interested in filmmaking including but not limited to students, educators, scholars, and cinephiles from anywhere. These activities include plans for a workshop series, with national and international filmmakers and film production classes (both digital and 16mm). We need updated filmmaking equipment: a second tripod for our camera, Bolex cameras (about $500 each), editing stations (about $50 each), rolls of Kodak Trilex black and white 16mm film (about $50 per roll), a Blu Ray fund so that we can buy the films for our classes, and money for visiting scholar/filmmaker stipends (about $7,000 per class). As we celebrate our 27th anniversary, we look forward to your support so that we may move confidently into a new era!