The Western Massachusetts Writing Project (WMWP) Summer Leadership Institute has made a big difference in the professional lives of hundreds of teachers throughout the region. Now you can make a big difference for future participants!
National Writing Project sites like WMWP no longer receive federal funding to support summer institutes, so we must now ask schools to pay for seats in this vital program, which helps teachers become leaders.
Here’s how you can help: WMWP is seeking contributions to provide scholarships to teachers whose schools cannot contribute to the cost of attending the 2019 Summer Institute through the UMASS GIVES campaign on April 29-30. Please consider making a gift in any amount you can. Here’s another way to increase your impact: An anonymous donor will match the first $1,000 in contributions to WMWP during the first day of the UMass Gives campaign. Spread the word to your colleagues and friends – share this page via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter.