We are the UMass Chapter of the National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association! Our members are primarily Communication Disorders undergraduate students pursuing careers in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology. As a club, we strive to educate and prepare our students for their future careers. We host events that bring campus awareness to topics that concern us as future professionals such as our hearing conservation efforts at the UMass Spring Concert. We also hold events such as Professional Night, Graduate Night, and GRE Prep Night to prepare our students for their future endeavors. We also strive to involve our members in advocacy efforts related to our field or the population we may work with. Looking into next year, NSSHLA hopes to grow our presence on campus, connect with more students both in and outside our major, and hopefully, attend the American Speech-Language Association (ASHA) Convention in Orlando, Florida.
The money raised during UMass Gives will go directly to our club members. Our funds will help support our club member’s professional development and community outreach events. If we raise enough, we hope to send some of our members to travel to Orlando, Florida to the American Speech-Language Association (ASHA) Convention in November of 2019. Last year, the convention was right in our backyard in Boston, and a lot of our members had fun attending the event. So, for next year we are hoping to raise money to help offset the travel and conference fees to give more members the opportunity to attend. We understand that sending members to ASHA 2019 is a hope so money will be primarily going towards our other notable projects such as American Sign Language Workshops, GRE Preparation Nights, and Informational Professional Events. All of these events are opened to any campus community members but are specifically geared towards our Communication Disorders students as they prepare for their careers and lives following receiving their undergraduate degrees.