Epic Movement at UMass exists to encourage, promote and foster the spiritual, emotional, and social health of Asian American students, through open dialog and discussions about the person of Jesus Christ, and service, education, and counseling for the Asian American student community here at UMass.
God willing, we are looking forward to Epic Life returning to an in-person experience the following year. Hence, we are looking to raise money for:
1. College Retreat. We are looking to raise $300 for retreat attendance costs. Supports financially burdened students to grow in understanding of the Person and work of Jesus Christ, while building lifelong friendships with fellow peers at the retreat.
2. Christian Speakers/Artists. We are looking to raise $200 for speaker services costs. Supporting our guest speakers/artists who may travel from out of state, by paying them for their service and/or helping them meet the costs of essentials such housing, food, etc.
3. Bond-Building Activities. We are looking to raise $100 for bond-building activities. Building friendships over fun activities such as (bowling night, ice-skating night, hiking, etc)