jubilat is a nationally renowned journal working year round to bring together words and pictures, art, interviews and found features to inspire writers, poets, readers and artists. For 20 years jubilat's been acclaimed for publishing some of the best poetry and prose from across the U.S, and around the globe. To support jubilat 's future, please consider giving any amount in support of special issues, new features, an expanded interview series, a new suscription campaign, the Jones/jubilat Reading Series at the Town of Amherst's historic Jones Library, and our undergraduate chapbook competition.
Friends of jubilat, we love you and we were blown away and inspired by your generosity during last year's UMassGives two day campaign! You made it possible for jubilat to thrive and be able to add new features in print and on our website; you gave us the spirit and will to give back to you jubilats you can be proud to support. We look forward to hearing from you. Our gratitude is without end! Keep in touch!